Friday, September 24, 2010

Feel Good Friday

A once a week post that will be about the positives of the week had, ignoring the negatives and sharing some link love!

  • Hubby bringing me beautiful yellow flowers home with him, because I have been so annoyingly ill and he though the colour would brighten my day. Awww!!
(yellow roses Alfred gave me in vases from Freedom, with engagement picture & music men)

  • Loving our new office chair we got from IKEA. It is the black Verner model - for only $89! So very comfortable, makes our study look a little more 'professional' and I think it was the finishing touch that the room needed.

  • As my birthday is close to christmas, I always start planning it early.. and this year I have decided to have yet another costume party (OMG, what a shocker!). As such, I have been looking into all different kinds of costumes and there are some pretty funny ones out there which have put a huge toothy grin on my face.

  • Playing around with a UV light and learning that my left wrist tattoo reacts and becomes bright orange. None of my other tattoos do it, just this one that everyone always assumes is a thirteen.. it's bloody not!
(alto/tenor cleff - left wrist - under blacklight)

  • Booking holidays! Holidays are the best, even when they are so far away.. it gives you something to look forward to, knowing you can escape your everyday life for a little while, even if it's only for a day or two. Alfred is going to Adelaide next year to go diving with Great White Sharks - so I'm booking everything around that at the moment. WOOO!!


("Who ya gunna call?" - when I first watched this, I nearly peed myself!)

("Relapse" skit from awesome BBC show Smack The Pony)

("Vincent" by the wonderful Tim Burton. 1982)

With love,
Lucy xx

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